
You need to reliably identify a group of the best possible KOLs. This group will form the core panel of KOL from which you will select KOLs for different purposes.
As the authors' output is not a guarantee of quality, using an 'Impact Factor' measure for each journal CEM can show which authors have gained the most impact. In this way if a KOL has published frequently in journals with lower Impact Factors his work will have a lower average 'Impact'. On the other hand KOLs who have consistently published their research in higher quality journals will have a higher 'Impact'.
You may want to identify a group of KOLs who have a demonstrable 'Impact' in the therapy area. They have consistently published high-quality material. CEM would take 1-2 weeks to generate a list of 50-100 KOLs. CEM can usually provide contact details with e-mail addresses.
If you would like to find out more about our services please contact us.